
Lomba International : Win $250,000 by Submitting Your Most Delicious Oatmeal

Lomba International : Win $250,000 by Submitting Your Most Delicious Oatmeal

Lomba International : Win $250,000 by Submitting Your Most Delicious Oatmeal - lomba yang satu ini seperti biasa karena internasional jadi pake bahasa inggris.

monggo langsung disimak atau kalau bingung translate aja juga gapapa kawan.

Now its your turn to create America's most delicious bowl of Oatmeal for winning $250,000! Are you ready? Submit your flavor now

ini nama kontesnya kawan

contest:  quaker Instant Oatmeal Bring your Best Bowl For the chance to win $250,000

ini tanggal berakhirnya kontes kawan

Sweepstakes deadline: March 12 2016.

kalau yang ini adalah yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh kawan Radius Perlombaan, yakni hadiah kawan. langsung saja resapi semuanya biar nanti bisa jadi pemenang kawan

prizes: Grand Prize (1): The Grand Prize winner will receive Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000)
Finalist Prizes (2): Each Finalist Prize winner will receive Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000)
Thirteen (13) Weekly Sweepstakes Prizes: winner will receive a $250 pre-paid debit card.

requirements:  open only to legal residents of any of the 50 United States, D.C. or Puerto Rico, who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry

kalau terarik dan mau ikut baca yang dibawah ini ya kawan

To join: go to www.bringyourbestbowl.com and submit your flavor name, ingredients, the inspiration for the flavor, and your contact information.



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